The Club shall be known as:

The aims of the Club are:
To provide opportunities for the enjoyment of mountain, hill, and other remote areas in Great Britain and abroad.

Membership of the Club shall be open to adults 18 years of age and over who wish to take part in Club activities and have been approved for Club membership.

The Club shall be managed by a committee consisting of the 6 elected officers.

The Officers, who shall be elected annually at the A.G.M. shall be:

- Chairman;
- Treasurer;
- Secretary;
- Membership officer;
- Website officer;
- Publicity officer.

Duties of the Committee
The duties of the Committee shall be:

a) to hold an Annual General Meeting of the Club members;
b) to meet as required, but at least twice per year (April and September), the quorum at committee meetings being three Officers;
c) to keep the Club accounts, which shall be certified and presented to the A.G.M.;
d) to determine charges for activities and membership fees;
e) to approve the Club’s programme of activities;
f) to stimulate interest in the Club;
g) in accordance with the procedure recommended by the BMC, to terminate the membership of any member whose conduct is considered prejudicial to the good name of the Club.

Other Matters
No alteration shall be made to this constitution other than at the A.G.M., notice of any proposed alteration having been given to the Committee and Club members in advance.

Club members may offer themselves for committee service and a ballot will be held, if necessary, before the formal election of officers at the A.G.M.

The Committee may fill vacancies in its membership by co-option.
The Club Members have resolved that the Club shall affiliate to the BMC. Therefore the Members acknowledge and agree that they become Club members of the BMC and that the Club shall pay the appropriate subscription on behalf of each Club member included in the return filed by the Club with the BMC, and, in the event of the BMC being wound up, shall pay the sum of not more than £1 on behalf of each member included in the return filed by the Club with the BMC at any time within the preceding period of one year pursuant to the guarantee comprised in clause 6 of the Memorandum of Association of the BMC. The members further acknowledge and agree that upon the Club being affiliated to the BMC and each becoming a Club member of the BMC that they will each be bound by the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the BMC.